Sony steps up to the plate.  Will it be a home run, or is this finally the year that the reigning champ loses.  Here are our Highlights from Sony E3 2018 Showcase.

Sony has been the undisputed Champion of E3 since THAT 2013 showcase.  They’ve been untouchable since year after year.  This year things are very different for the console giant.  They came out and told us what to expect even before E3 started.  Sony insisted there would be no surprises this year, no hardware, it will all be about the Big 4.  Of cause, the big 4 being The Last of Us Part II, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-man and Death Stranding.  Are they being overly confident in their exclusive powerhouses or is there more to the story?  Let’s check out the highlights and you can decide for yourself thereafter.

The Last of Us Part II

Holy crap, Sony wasn’t playing around.  Immediately out the gates, the first thing we get to experience is The Last of Us Part II.  What started out as a beautiful and emotional story trailer featuring a much older Ellie, quickly changes into a dark morbid ultra-violent gameplay showcase.  There’s a new foliage stealth mechanic.  The previously small encounter areas are now sprawling multi-leveled affairs.  Ellie can even dash away and break contact with the enemies who start actively searching for her, mid-combat.  Two rather glaring omissions from this demo.  Where the hell is Joel? And strangely not a single Clicker/infected was seen (No Clickers were harmed in the making of this footage!).  It was all about the breathtaking visuals and brutal combat.  Perhaps more will be shown off at the PSX event later this year.  This is hands down, my favorite game of E3 2018.

Major Call of Duty Black OPS 4 announcement

Well, what do you know, a game that isn’t part of the so-called big 4?  Maybe Sony was just trolling.  Then again, not much was shown here.  However, with that being said, big news came out for Black Ops 4.  First off, Sony showed off a trailer that takes a look at Black Ops 3 maps that are heading your way if you Pre-Order Black Ops 4.  Hardly big news right?  What if I told you that all PS Plus players are getting Black Ops 3 on PS4 for free.  Now that’s a big news for sure!

Destiny 2 Forsaken Teaser

The upcoming massive Expansion to Destiny 2 gets a dark teaser trailer where everyone’s favorite Guardian, Cayde-6, gets executed.  Yah, that dark.  Nuff said.

Ghost of Tsushima

The second of the Big 4 titles, Ghost of Tsushima, is easily one of the most gorgeous games at E3 2018.  The game is given a lengthy, completely in-engine gameplay and story demonstration.  It features lush, colorful open world.  I found it giving off a Japanese Witcher 3 feel to it.  It’s truly a sight to behold in motion.  The combat is very technical and brutal.  Nothing like Dark Souls but yet again I find myself comparing it to The Witcher 3.  The main character and a computer controlled partner showoff stealth gameplay with brutal takedowns.  There’s a level of verticality to the gameplay that reminds me of Uncharted 4 multi-level combat/stealth areas.  There’s even an Arkham Knight style multi-enemy takedown we see in the gameplay.  All this closes off with the most picturesque boss battle I’ve ever seen.  This one is heading straight for my Wishlist.


This was an unexpected surprise.  Control is a new game from Remedy, the creators of Alan Wake, Max Payne and recently Quantum Break.  That last one is very significant because this game seems to share the same visual aesthetics.  I wonder if they take place in the same universe or if they’re connected in any way.  None the less, Control is an eerie, highly frenetic action shooter that features telekinesis abilities.  This is one to watch.

Resident Evil 2

Yet another phenomenal surprise from Sony.  We heard rumors of a Resident Evil 2 remake.  But nothing had prepared us for the scale we’re looking at here.  If you were expecting something like the Resident Evil 1 remaster, think again.  We’re talking about a complete ground-up rebuild that changes every single facet of the game.  Now playing more closer to Resident Evil 4.  It looks absolutely fantastic and will be worth the wait.  Resident Evil 2 releases on 19 January 2019.

Kingdom Hearts III

Yet another Kingdom Hearts III showing.  From Xbox showcase to Square Enix’s own showing and now even Sony is in on the Disney action.  What came is a surprise is the Pirates of the Caribean world that was shown in the trailer.  Who’d ever thought they’d see the day Jack Sparrow and Donald Duck shared a screen.  PS4 owners get a very special edition of the game that includes all HD remakes of the entire Series.  It launches January 29, 2019.  Well played Sony, well played!

Death Stranding

Possibly the most anticipated PlayStation game of all time gets its chance at the spotlight.  We finally get to see some gameplay of Death Stranding and you know what, I have no idea what this game is about.  There seems to be some open world exploration and some stealth segments.  The main character played by Norman Reedus appears to be a transporter of sorts who has to survive a world filled with these ghostly apparitions.  It’s really weird and I still have no clue what this damn game is about…Come on Kojima!


Nioh 2 gets a very quick, blink-and-you-missed-it teaser.  From Software teases an eerie looking VR game.  But none of that holds a candle to the last Sony Big 4, E3 showcase.  I’m talking about cause Spider-man.  Holy smokes this games looks amazing.  If you thought the last demo of the game was impressive, wait till you see Spider-man go up against Electro, Scorpion, Rhino, Vulture and Mr. Negative in a very Arkham Asylum-esque story mission.  Just from what I’ve seen in terms of gameplay, Insomniac Games has nailed this character and world. September can’t come soon enough!

And that my good folks is Sony E3 2018 Showcase.  In a nutshell.  I have to say, Sony was truly confident in the quality of games shown here.  Those exclusives are second to none in terms of competition.  However, with that being said, I feel as if Sony was far too relaxed in their high castle at the top of the moment.  As a result, there wasn’t quite as much content as the Rival Xbox event.  Nor was there as many surprises.  Which is why Xbox, in my opinion, takes the crown even if it won by a hair.
